Friday, August 20, 2010

Anniversary Party, Family and SC in Summer

Hi Ya'll. I'm back in SC after a short trip to the pacific northwest for Mel's folks 60th wedding anniversary. It was a nice party, and good to see family and friends. A visit from Mel's cousins Cindy and Debbie from CA surprised us all and a jet lagged Eric fresh from his two month internship in Africa put all our kids on the same continent and in the same time zone for a couple days! My brother Roger and wife Sue, in the states for a short stay also made it to Everett for a quick visit while we were in town, so we were able to pack in some quality family time with them as well. It's hard to believe we were sitting on our patio with family Wednesday night drinking wine and wearing sweatshirts to keep warm. 10 pallets of wall block were delivered this morning to our driveway in SC. Too bad we won't have some of that pacific northwest cool weather while we're unloading the wall block this weekend. Heat advisories every day in the extended forecast; that's SC in the summer for you! Better make sure I have plenty of sweet tea ready.

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